Icing on the Cake
Our freshly baked cake just came out of the oven, and while the cake is cooling, it's time to make the frosting. We've written some C code to help us figure out how much we'll need:
#define PI 3.14
#define AREA(r) PI * r * r
float showIcingArea()
// initial guess at cake size, in feet
float radius = 4.0; // that's a big cake!
printf("Initial cake radius: %.2f Area: %.2f\n", radius, AREA(radius));
// make a little extra ... just to be sure
printf("Slightly bigger cake radius: %.2f Area: %.2f\n", radius + 1, AREA(radius + 1));
return 0;
But when we run this code, we see:
Initial cake radius: 4.00 Area 50.24
Slightly bigger cake radius: 5.00 Area 17.56
That's unexpected... what's going on here?
Language Transfer
Write the body of a function strReplace(src, old, new) that returns a copy of src but with the first occurrence of old replaced with new. For example:
char *dst = strReplace("My favorite language is Python", "Python", "C");
should result in dst pointing to a new string that contains "My favorite language is C".
Catchin' some static
What's static? When should you use it?
What's in a cake?
A cake by any other name would taste as sweet...
Now that we've gotten our icing calculations straightened out, our cake business is doing better than ever.
To keep track of all the cake orders we're getting, we've come up with our very own CakeTable data structure which tracks a cake's identification number and any other information (like who ordered it, any text in the icing).
Here's the interface we have so far:
/* Supply orderNumber and any data, which can be NULL */
int addCakeToTable(CakeTable *cakeTable, int orderNumber, void *cakeData);
/* Supply orderNumber, get pointer to cakeData, which can be NULL */
void * lookupCakeByOrderNumber(CakeTable *cakeTable, int orderNumber);
Next, we'd like to add a way to iterate through all of the cakes in our database. The design team specified that we need to get both the orderNumber and cakeData for each of the cakes as we're iterating through.
You've patiently explained that in C you can only return one value from a function, but they keep sending you sample code that looks like this.
while (getNextCake(cakeTable, /* TODO */ ???)) {
// whatever we want to do with each cake
What should our function declaration (not function definition) look like for getNextCake()?
Littered Linked Lists
We've got some code that uses LinkedLists. And we just added a helper function to remove an item at a specified index. Problem is, we're getting weird behavior—sometimes the code works and sometimes it doesn't. Even worse, when we put in some debugging code, the problem seems to disappear.
Can you figure out what's going on and how to fix it?
We've got a pretty standard LinkedListNode implementation:
struct LinkedListNode {
struct LinkedListNode *next;
int value;
and here's our code to delete nodes:
LinkedListNode * deleteNode(LinkedListNode *head, size_t index)
size_t i = 0;
LinkedListNode *current = NULL;
LinkedListNode *nodeToDelete = NULL;
// special case if there's no linked list to begin with
if (head == NULL) {
return head;
// special case for removing head - need to return new head of linked list
if (index == 0) {
return head->next;
// walk the list until we get to node *before* the one we want to delete
current = head;
for (i = 0; i < (index - 1); i++) {
// if we hit the end of the list, just return head
if (current == NULL) {
return head;
// move to next node
current = current->next;
// if we're at the end of the list, just return head
if (current->next == NULL) {
return head;
// make current->next point to the node after the one to delete
nodeToDelete = current->next;
current->next = nodeToDelete->next;
// free memory we no longer need
// head of the list didn't change
return head;
Double the Fun
We've got an array of doubles—prices for all the different cakes around town. Instead of always having to pass around another variable that tells us the length of the array, we've used a 0.0 terminator to indicate the end of the array. We figured this would make things easier but we're running into some issues with one of our functions.
It should be a simple function that adds up the price of all the cakes:
double buyAllTheCakes(const double *prices)
double totalCost = 0.0;
while (*prices) {
totalCost += *prices;
prices += sizeof(double);
return totalCost;
But we aren't always getting the right answer when we call this function. The totalCost usually ends up way too low and we run out of money on our cake-buying spree. And sometimes we get an absurdly high totalCost. Like, impossibly high, because there's only 25 cakes in there and they shouldn't cost millions of dollars.
Can you figure out what's going wrong in buyAllTheCakes() and how to fix it?
Figure out the optimal buy and sell time for a given stock, given its prices yesterday. keep reading »
Implement a queue with two stacks. Assume you already have a stack implementation. keep reading »
Figure out which number is repeated. But here's the catch: optimize for space. keep reading »
Figure out which number is repeated. But here's the catch: do it in linear time and constant space! keep reading »
Your friend copied a bunch of your files and put them in random places around your hard drive. Write a function to undo the damage. keep reading »
Efficiently sort numbers in an array, where each number is below a certain maximum. keep reading »
Write a super-simple JavaScript parser that can find bugs in your intern's code. keep reading »
Write a recursive function of generating all permutations of an input string. keep reading »
Do an in-place shuffle on an array of numbers. It's trickier than you might think! keep reading »
Find the repeat number in an array of numbers. Optimize for runtime. keep reading »
Given an array of numbers in sorted order, how quickly could we check if a given number is present in the array? keep reading »
I wanted to learn some big words to make people think I'm smart, but I messed up. Write a function to help untangle the mess I made. keep reading »
Write a function to tell us if cafe customer orders are served in the same order they're paid for. keep reading »
Given a 7-sided die, make a 5-sided die. keep reading »
Writing a simple recommendation algorithm that helps people choose which movies to watch during flights keep reading »
For each number in an array, find the product of all the other numbers. You can do it faster than you'd think! keep reading »
Find the highest possible product that you can get by multiplying any 3 numbers from an input array. keep reading »
Write a function for merging meeting times given everyone's schedules. It's an enterprise end-to-end scheduling solution, dog. keep reading »
Computer the nth Fibonacci number. Careful--the recursion can quickly spin out of control! keep reading »
Find the area of overlap between two rectangles. In the name of love. keep reading »
Write a function to see if a binary tree is 'superbalanced'--a new tree property we just made up. keep reading »
Write a function that finds the corresponding closing parenthesis given the position of an opening parenthesis in a string. keep reading »
Write code to continually track the max, min, mean, and mode as new numbers are inserted into a tracker class. keep reading »
Given a 5-sided die, make a 7-sided die. keep reading »
You're building a word cloud. Write a function to figure out how many times each word appears so we know how big to make each word in the cloud. keep reading »
A building has 100 floors. Figure out the highest floor an egg can be dropped from without breaking. keep reading »
Write a function to check that a binary tree is a valid binary search tree. keep reading »
Write a function to reverse the word order of a string, in place. It's to decipher a supersecret message and head off a heist. keep reading »
Check if any permutation of an input string is a palindrome. keep reading »
Find the kth to last node in a singly-linked list. We'll start with a simple solution and move on to some clever tricks. keep reading »
Write a function to reverse a linked list in place. keep reading »
In a beautiful Amazon utopia where breakfast is delivered by drones, one drone has gone missing. Write a function to figure out which one is missing. keep reading »
I'm making a new search engine called MillionGazillion(tm), and I need help figuring out what data structures to use. keep reading »
You've hit the mother lode: the cake vault of the Queen of England. Figure out how much of each cake to carry out to maximize profit. keep reading »
Find the second largest element in a binary search tree. keep reading »
You've implemented a Stack class, but you want to access the largest element in your stack from time to time. Write an augmented LargestStack class. keep reading »
Write a function to delete a node from a linked list. Turns out you can do it in constant time! keep reading »
Write a function that will replace your role as a cashier and make everyone rich or something. keep reading »
Write a function to reverse a string in place. keep reading »
Design a ticket sales site, like Ticketmaster keep reading »
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