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Dijkstra's algorithm finds the shortest path
from one node to all other nodes in a weighted graph.
Say we had the following graph, which represents the travel cost
between different cities in the southeast US:
Traveling from Memphis to Nashville? The cheapest
route isn't to go straight from one to the other!
(You'll actually want to go via New Orleans, Mobile, and
Atlanta for the cheapest path.)
This sort of thing can happen in real life.
Lots of airlines like to route through large hubs and
might not have much service directly between two smaller
Dijkstra's algorithm lets us find the cheapest route from one
city to all other cities. So for Memphis:
What if we only want the cheapest path between one pair of
nodes? Just pick one of them as the starting point and run
Dijkstra's algorithm. Finding the cheapest path
to all nodes includes finding the cheapest
path to the other node in the pair.
But isn't Dijkstra's algorithm overkill if we only care
about one pair of nodes? Actually no, because we'll still need to
consider other nodes in the graph to make sure we've found the
lowest-cost weighted path. (Take a look at going from Memphis
to Nashville, where the cheapest path includes over half the
nodes in the graph.)
The Algorithm
Dijkstra's algorithm is like
breadth-first search↴
Breadth-First Search is an algorithm that systematically
explores a graph level by level. Starting from a source point, BFS
visits all its immediate neighbors first, then their neighbors,
and so on. This methodical approach makes it incredibly useful for
finding shortest paths in unweighted graphs, exploring tree-like
structures, and solving a variety of problems that come up
frequently in coding interviews.
BFS is a cornerstone algorithm. It's often favored in interviews
because it strikes a balance: it's conceptually straightforward to
understand and implement, yet adaptable to a wide range of
challenging questions.
In this article, we’ll cover core concepts of BFS, look at some
implementations with time / space complexity analysis, and explore
a few different problems where BFS shines. Let's dive in!
Understanding the Core Concepts of BFS
What is Breadth-First Search?
Breadth-First Search (BFS) explores a graph or tree level by
level. Imagine dropping a pebble into still water: the ripples
spread outwards in circles. BFS mimics this, starting at a source
node and systematically visiting all nodes at the current level
before moving to the next level. This level-by-level approach
ensures you explore the graph in layers of "hops" from the
starting point.
Starting from one point in the graph,
we look at all the nodes one level away,
then all the nodes two levels away,
then all the nodes three levels away,
and so on - until we’ve seen every node.
Key Data Structure: The Queue
The key behind BFS's level-by-level exploration is a
A queue is a First-In, First-Out (FIFO)
data structure: items are added to the back and removed from the
In BFS, a queue stores the nodes we need to explore. When we visit
a node, we add its unvisited neighbors to the back of the
queue. Then, we process the next node at the
front of the queue. This FIFO behavior ensures that we
explore all nodes at the current "level" before moving to the next
The Visited Set
To prevent infinite loops and redundant processing in graphs
(especially those with cycles), we need to keep track of visited
nodes. This is where a
visited set
is essential.
Before adding a neighbor to the queue, we check if it's already in
the visited set. If it is, we skip it. Otherwise, we add it to the
queue and mark it as visited by adding it to the visited
set. Using an
efficient set data
structure, these checks and inserts can be done in
O(1) time on average.
Path Reconstruction: The Predecessor Dictionary
In many BFS problems, especially shortest path problems, you'll
need to reconstruct the path from the starting node to the target
node once you find it. To do this, we use a predecessor
dictionary (or
parent dictionary).
As we explore the graph with BFS, whenever we enqueue a neighbor
node, we record in the predecessor dictionary that we reached this
neighbor from the current node. This dictionary stores each node and its
immediate predecessor in the BFS traversal.
Once BFS finds the target node, we can easily reconstruct the path
by starting at the target node and using the predecessor dictionary to
trace back to its predecessor, then to its predecessor, and so on,
until we reach the starting node. This backtracking process gives
us the shortest path in reverse order, which we can then reverse
to get the correct path.
Path reconstruction takes time proportional to the length of the
shortest path. In the worst case, every node in the graph could be
in the path, so reconstructing takes
O(V) overall.
The BFS Algorithm: Step-by-Step
Let's break down the BFS algorithm into clear steps:
Create an empty queue, queue.
Create an empty predecessor dictionary, predecessors
Create an empty set, visited
Enqueue the starting node into the queue.
Add the starting node to visited and predecessors.
Iteration (while the queue is not empty):
Dequeue a node from the front of the queue. Let's call this current_node.
Process current_node. This might involve:
Checking if it's the target node you're searching for.
Performing some operation based on the node's value.
Simply noting that you've visited it.
Explore Neighbors: Get all valid, unvisited neighbors of current_node.
For each unvisited neighbor:
Enqueue the neighbor into the queue.
Add it to visited.
In predecessors, record that we got to this neighbor via current_node
Termination: The algorithm terminates when we reach
our target node or the queue becomes empty.
At this point, you often will reconstruct the path from
start_node to
end_node using the
from collections import deque
defreconstruct_path(predecessors, start_node, end_node):
reversed_shortest_path =[]# Start from the end of the path and work backwards
current_node = end_node
while current_node:
current_node = predecessors[current_node]# Reverse our path to get the right order
reversed_shortest_path.reverse()# flip it around, in placereturn reversed_shortest_path # no longer reverseddefbfs_get_path(graph, start_node, end_node):if start_node notin graph:raise Exception('Start node not in graph')if end_node notin graph:raise Exception('End node not in graph')
queue = deque()
visited = set([start_node])
predecessors ={start_node: None}while len(queue)>0:
current_node = queue.popleft()# Stop when we reach the end nodeif current_node == end_node:return reconstruct_path(predecessors, start_node, end_node)for neighbor in graph[current_node]:if neighbor notin visited:
predecessors[neighbor]= current_node
# If we get here, then we never found the end node# so there's NO path from start_node to end_nodereturn None
Analyzing Time and Space Complexity of BFS
Once you’ve coded up an algorithm, interviewers are going to ask you to analyze its time and space complexity.
Time Complexity:O(V+E)
V is the number of vertices (nodes)
and E is the number of edges in the
graph. We visit each vertex at most once (due to the visited
set). For each vertex,
we iterate through its neighbors. In total, across all
vertices, we examine each edge at most twice (once for the
node on each end). Putting it all together, we’ve
got O(V+E) time complexity.
Space Complexity:O(V)
V is the number of vertices. Our three data
structures are the node queue, the
visited set, and the
backtracking dictionary. Because each node gets added to the
queue exactly once, the queue won’t grow
beyond O(V). Our
visited set also grows
to hold all the nodes, O(V)
size. Finally, our backtracking dictionary has one entry per
node, so it’s O(V), too. Putting these
together, we’re still O(V) space.
Applications of BFS: Where is BFS Useful?
Because of its versatility, BFS shows up in a lot of
places. Look for these problem structures that suggest BFS is
the appropriate algorithm:
Problems where you’re exploring a set of states and have
to find the shortest sequence from one state to another.
Problems involving grid-based structures (mazes, grids,
etc.) where each step has the same cost.
Problems where you need to look at connected items
(friends in a social network, links within a website,
railroads between cities, etc.).
When approaching a problem that might be solved with BFS,
consider these steps:
Identify BFS Applicability: Does the problem involve
finding the shortest path in an unweighted graph,
exploring levels or layers, or searching connected
components? If so, BFS might be a good fit.
Define the Graph/States: What are the "nodes" in your
problem? How are they connected (what are the "edges" or
transitions)? This could be explicit graph nodes, grid
cells, words in a word ladder, etc.
Define Start and End: What is the starting node(s)? Is
there a specific target node or condition you are
searching for?
Define Neighbors: How do you find the valid neighbors of a
node? Consider constraints (walls in a maze, valid word
transformations, etc.).
Handle Boundary Conditions: Consider edge cases like empty
inputs, disconnected components, and whether BFS is
feasible given the input size.
Sample BFS Interview Questions
Here are some common interview problems where a BFS-style algorithm
could work:
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
Problem Description: Given a binary tree,
return its node values in level order traversal. That is,
nodes at each level are visited from left to right, level by
Applying BFS:
Our starting node is the root of the binary
tree. We don't have a specific ending node; we'll continue until
the queue is empty.
Each node's neighbors are their left and right
children (if they have them).
We can check for an empty tree (comparing the root node
to None). And, assuming the tree
is a reasonable size, BFS should be feasible.
Shortest Path Through a Maze
Problem Description: Given an ASCII maze
where each step has the same cost, find the shortest path
from the top left to the bottom right.
Our starting node is the top left corner.
Our ending node is the bottom right corner.
Each node's neighbors are the points
above, below, left, and right - as long as they're not
walls. We need to be careful of boundary conditions, like
nodes on the edges of the grid.
We can check for edge cases like the start or end position
being a wall or mazes where there's no path from the start
to the finish.
If the maze is very large, it's possible BFS will be too slow
or require too much memory. Ask your interviewer how large
the maze is expected to be!
Number of Islands
Problem Description: Given a 2D grid
indicating land and water, count the number of islands.
Applying BFS:
Start with a set of visited nodes, initially empty.
Iterate through the entire grid. When we reach a
point that's an island:
If the point is already visited, do nothing.
Otherwise, increase our count by 1 and do BFS from
that point outwards. Each BFS visits all the
points on a single island. A point's neighbors are
adjacent points that are also land.
Return the total number of islands seen.
Word Ladder
Problem Description: Given a start word and a
target word, find the fewest steps required to transform one
into the other, changing only one letter at a time.
As an example, to transform head into tail, we could generate
this sequence:
Applying BFS:
Our starting node is the start word. Our
ending node is the target word.
Each node's neighbors are words that
differ by one letter. As an example, some neighboring
words for node would be:
We should check for edge cases like:
The start or target not being valid words
The start and target being different lengths
No possible word ladder
Conclusion: BFS - A Powerful Tool in Your Interview Toolkit
Breadth-First Search is an indispensable algorithm in your
coding interview toolkit. Its systematic level-by-level
exploration makes it a powerful and efficient approach for a
wide range of problems. By mastering the core concepts – the
queue, visited set, predecessor dictionary – and practicing its
implementation, you'll be well-prepared to confidently tackle
BFS-related interview questions.
Remember to:
Practice recognizing problems where BFS could be used.
Clearly articulate your BFS approach during interviews, highlighting how you are defining nodes, neighbors, and handling visited states.
Understand and be able to explain the time and space complexity for different BFS variants.
With practice and a solid understanding of BFS, you'll be
ready to impress in your next coding interview! Good luck!
(BFS), except we
use a priority queue↴
Quick reference
Binary Heap Priority Queue
This is the most common implementation but not the only one.
Worst Case
A priority queue is a special queue where:
Every item in the queue has a priority, and
Higher-priority items are dequeued before lower-priority items.
Picture a big list of bugs for an engineering team
to tackle. You want to keep the highest-priority bugs at the
top of the list.
Quickly access the highest-priority
item. Priority queues allow you to peek at the
top item in O(1) while
keeping other operations relatively cheap
Slow enqueues and dequeues. Both operations
take O(lg(n)) time with priority queues.
With normal
first-in, first-out queues,
these operations are O(1) time.
Any time you want to handle things with different priority
levels: triaging patients in a hospital, locating the
closest available taxi, or just a to-do list.
Operating system schedulers may use priority
queues to select the next process to run, ensuring high-priority
tasks run before low-priority ones.
Certain foundational algorithms rely on priority queues:
Dijkstra's shortest-path
A* search (a graph traversal algorithm like BFS)
Huffman codes (an encoding for data compression)
Binary Heaps
Priority queues are often implemented using
binary heaps. Notice how the highest priority is right at the
top of the heap, ready to be grabbed
in O(1) time.
To enqueue an item, add it to the heap using
the priority as the key. (O(lg(n)) time)
To peek at the highest priority item,
look at the item at the top. (O(1) time)
To dequeue the highest priority item, remove
the top item from the heap. (O(lg(n)) time)
Other Options
A Sorted List
To enqueue, use binary search to figure out where
the new item should go. Then scoot items over to make
space for the new item. (O(n) time, since in the worst case you have to scoot everything over to make room)
To peek at the highest priority item, look at the item
at index zero. (O(1) time)
To dequeue, scoot every item forward one
index. (O(n) time)
A Sorted Linked List
To enqueue, walk through the linked list to figure out where
the new item should go. Then, reassign pointers to add the
new item. (O(n) time)
To peek at the highest priority item, look at the item
at the head of the linked list. (O(1) time)
To dequeue, update the linked list's head pointer to point to
the second item. (And deallocate the old head node, if you're using a language with manual memory management.) (O(1) time)
Fancier Heaps
Binary heaps are just one kind of heap. Other kinds of heaps
(e.g.: Fibonacci heaps or binomial heaps) can offer
faster average performance for some priority queue
operations. But, they're much more complex than binary heaps and
less commonly used in practice.
In a coding interview, you usually can't go wrong by using a
binary-heap based priority queue.
of a normal first-in-first-out
Quick reference
Worst Case
A queue stores items in a first-in, first-out
(FIFO) order.
Picture a queue like the line outside a busy restaurant. First come, first served.
Fast operations. All queue operations take
O(1) time.
To enqueue, insert at the tail of the linked list.
To dequeue, remove at the head of the linked list.
You could implement a queue with an array or dynamic array, but it would get kinda messy. Try drawing it out. You'll notice that you'd need to build out a "scoot over" or "re-center" operation that automatically fires when your queue items hit the bottom edge of the array.
Each item's priority is the cost of reaching it.
Let's work through an example before coding it up. We'll use our
graph of cities from before, starting at Memphis.
Since we're already at Memphis, the cost to get there is 0. We
don't know how to get anywhere else though, so those costs
are ∞. We'll store all these costs in a
table and initialize our priority queue.
New Orleans
First up in our queue, we've got Memphis. As with BFS, we'll start by looking at its neighbors.
Looking at its neighbors, we can get to Atlanta (at a cost of 10), Mobile (cost is 7), Nashville (cost is 15) and New Orleans (cost is 3). So we'll update those travel costs in our table and our priority queue.
Here's what our table and priority queue look like now. To help
keep track of things, we'll put a check mark next to nodes
we've dequeued. So far, it's just Memphis.
New Orleans
What next? Repeat!
Next in our priority queue we've got New Orleans, at a cost of
3. Let's remove it from the priority queue and examine its
We've already dequeued Memphis, so we can skip it.
From New Orleans, we can get to Mobile at a cost of 3. Since
it takes 3 to get from Memphis to New Orleans, the total cost
of this path is 6. That's cheaper than the path we found
earlier (where we went straight from Memphis to Mobile at a
cost of 7), so we need to update its cost.
We'll also record the fact that we got to Mobile "via" New
Orleans. This'll be important for figuring out which cities our
cheapest route passes through at the end. (We could skip this step
if we just wanted to calculate the lowest price, not the actual
New Orleans
New Orleans
Now we'll repeat the process again. The next city in
our priority queue is Mobile at a cost of 6.
Looking at its neighbors:
Memphis and New Orleans have already been dequeued, so we can
skip them.
We can get to Atlanta (2) via Mobile (6), for a total cost of 8. That's
cheaper than our current path to Atlanta (10, via Memphis).
We can get to Savannah (6) via Mobile (6), for a total cost of 12. That's
cheaper than our current cost (∞, since we don't have
a path yet).
Updating our priority queue and table:
New Orleans
New Orleans
Next up, Atlanta, at a cost of 8:
We can get to Savannah (1) via Atlanta (8), for a total cost of 9.
That's cheaper than our current route via Mobile, which cost 12.
We can get to Nashville (2) via Atlanta (8), for a total cost of 10.
That's cheaper than our current route via Memphis, which cost 15.
Memphis and Mobile have already been dequeued, so we can skip them.
Once we dequeue Atlanta, we know that we won't find a cheaper
path later on. So, even though there are a few different ways
to get to Atlanta, we don't have to consider the cost of all
those paths; we just care about the cost of the shortest one.
Here's how things look now:
New Orleans
New Orleans
Almost there. Next city is Savannah, at a cost of 9.
We've already dequeued both of Savannah's neighbors, so we don't need to do
New Orleans
New Orleans
Finally, our last city is Nashville, at a cost of 10.
Again, both its neighbors have already been dequeued. We're done!
Here's what our final table looks like:
New Orleans
New Orleans
Our table above stores the cost of getting to any city from
Memphis, but it doesn't store the actual path. To find it, we'd
start at that city and use the Via column
to backtrack through the graph until we get to
Memphis. This is the same way you recover paths after doing a
breadth-first search↴
Breadth-First Search is an algorithm that systematically
explores a graph level by level. Starting from a source point, BFS
visits all its immediate neighbors first, then their neighbors,
and so on. This methodical approach makes it incredibly useful for
finding shortest paths in unweighted graphs, exploring tree-like
structures, and solving a variety of problems that come up
frequently in coding interviews.
BFS is a cornerstone algorithm. It's often favored in interviews
because it strikes a balance: it's conceptually straightforward to
understand and implement, yet adaptable to a wide range of
challenging questions.
In this article, we’ll cover core concepts of BFS, look at some
implementations with time / space complexity analysis, and explore
a few different problems where BFS shines. Let's dive in!
Understanding the Core Concepts of BFS
What is Breadth-First Search?
Breadth-First Search (BFS) explores a graph or tree level by
level. Imagine dropping a pebble into still water: the ripples
spread outwards in circles. BFS mimics this, starting at a source
node and systematically visiting all nodes at the current level
before moving to the next level. This level-by-level approach
ensures you explore the graph in layers of "hops" from the
starting point.
Starting from one point in the graph,
we look at all the nodes one level away,
then all the nodes two levels away,
then all the nodes three levels away,
and so on - until we’ve seen every node.
Key Data Structure: The Queue
The key behind BFS's level-by-level exploration is a
A queue is a First-In, First-Out (FIFO)
data structure: items are added to the back and removed from the
In BFS, a queue stores the nodes we need to explore. When we visit
a node, we add its unvisited neighbors to the back of the
queue. Then, we process the next node at the
front of the queue. This FIFO behavior ensures that we
explore all nodes at the current "level" before moving to the next
The Visited Set
To prevent infinite loops and redundant processing in graphs
(especially those with cycles), we need to keep track of visited
nodes. This is where a
visited set
is essential.
Before adding a neighbor to the queue, we check if it's already in
the visited set. If it is, we skip it. Otherwise, we add it to the
queue and mark it as visited by adding it to the visited
set. Using an
efficient set data
structure, these checks and inserts can be done in
O(1) time on average.
Path Reconstruction: The Predecessor Dictionary
In many BFS problems, especially shortest path problems, you'll
need to reconstruct the path from the starting node to the target
node once you find it. To do this, we use a predecessor
dictionary (or
parent dictionary).
As we explore the graph with BFS, whenever we enqueue a neighbor
node, we record in the predecessor dictionary that we reached this
neighbor from the current node. This dictionary stores each node and its
immediate predecessor in the BFS traversal.
Once BFS finds the target node, we can easily reconstruct the path
by starting at the target node and using the predecessor dictionary to
trace back to its predecessor, then to its predecessor, and so on,
until we reach the starting node. This backtracking process gives
us the shortest path in reverse order, which we can then reverse
to get the correct path.
Path reconstruction takes time proportional to the length of the
shortest path. In the worst case, every node in the graph could be
in the path, so reconstructing takes
O(V) overall.
The BFS Algorithm: Step-by-Step
Let's break down the BFS algorithm into clear steps:
Create an empty queue, queue.
Create an empty predecessor dictionary, predecessors
Create an empty set, visited
Enqueue the starting node into the queue.
Add the starting node to visited and predecessors.
Iteration (while the queue is not empty):
Dequeue a node from the front of the queue. Let's call this current_node.
Process current_node. This might involve:
Checking if it's the target node you're searching for.
Performing some operation based on the node's value.
Simply noting that you've visited it.
Explore Neighbors: Get all valid, unvisited neighbors of current_node.
For each unvisited neighbor:
Enqueue the neighbor into the queue.
Add it to visited.
In predecessors, record that we got to this neighbor via current_node
Termination: The algorithm terminates when we reach
our target node or the queue becomes empty.
At this point, you often will reconstruct the path from
start_node to
end_node using the
from collections import deque
defreconstruct_path(predecessors, start_node, end_node):
reversed_shortest_path =[]# Start from the end of the path and work backwards
current_node = end_node
while current_node:
current_node = predecessors[current_node]# Reverse our path to get the right order
reversed_shortest_path.reverse()# flip it around, in placereturn reversed_shortest_path # no longer reverseddefbfs_get_path(graph, start_node, end_node):if start_node notin graph:raise Exception('Start node not in graph')if end_node notin graph:raise Exception('End node not in graph')
queue = deque()
visited = set([start_node])
predecessors ={start_node: None}while len(queue)>0:
current_node = queue.popleft()# Stop when we reach the end nodeif current_node == end_node:return reconstruct_path(predecessors, start_node, end_node)for neighbor in graph[current_node]:if neighbor notin visited:
predecessors[neighbor]= current_node
# If we get here, then we never found the end node# so there's NO path from start_node to end_nodereturn None
Analyzing Time and Space Complexity of BFS
Once you’ve coded up an algorithm, interviewers are going to ask you to analyze its time and space complexity.
Time Complexity:O(V+E)
V is the number of vertices (nodes)
and E is the number of edges in the
graph. We visit each vertex at most once (due to the visited
set). For each vertex,
we iterate through its neighbors. In total, across all
vertices, we examine each edge at most twice (once for the
node on each end). Putting it all together, we’ve
got O(V+E) time complexity.
Space Complexity:O(V)
V is the number of vertices. Our three data
structures are the node queue, the
visited set, and the
backtracking dictionary. Because each node gets added to the
queue exactly once, the queue won’t grow
beyond O(V). Our
visited set also grows
to hold all the nodes, O(V)
size. Finally, our backtracking dictionary has one entry per
node, so it’s O(V), too. Putting these
together, we’re still O(V) space.
Applications of BFS: Where is BFS Useful?
Because of its versatility, BFS shows up in a lot of
places. Look for these problem structures that suggest BFS is
the appropriate algorithm:
Problems where you’re exploring a set of states and have
to find the shortest sequence from one state to another.
Problems involving grid-based structures (mazes, grids,
etc.) where each step has the same cost.
Problems where you need to look at connected items
(friends in a social network, links within a website,
railroads between cities, etc.).
When approaching a problem that might be solved with BFS,
consider these steps:
Identify BFS Applicability: Does the problem involve
finding the shortest path in an unweighted graph,
exploring levels or layers, or searching connected
components? If so, BFS might be a good fit.
Define the Graph/States: What are the "nodes" in your
problem? How are they connected (what are the "edges" or
transitions)? This could be explicit graph nodes, grid
cells, words in a word ladder, etc.
Define Start and End: What is the starting node(s)? Is
there a specific target node or condition you are
searching for?
Define Neighbors: How do you find the valid neighbors of a
node? Consider constraints (walls in a maze, valid word
transformations, etc.).
Handle Boundary Conditions: Consider edge cases like empty
inputs, disconnected components, and whether BFS is
feasible given the input size.
Sample BFS Interview Questions
Here are some common interview problems where a BFS-style algorithm
could work:
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
Problem Description: Given a binary tree,
return its node values in level order traversal. That is,
nodes at each level are visited from left to right, level by
Applying BFS:
Our starting node is the root of the binary
tree. We don't have a specific ending node; we'll continue until
the queue is empty.
Each node's neighbors are their left and right
children (if they have them).
We can check for an empty tree (comparing the root node
to None). And, assuming the tree
is a reasonable size, BFS should be feasible.
Shortest Path Through a Maze
Problem Description: Given an ASCII maze
where each step has the same cost, find the shortest path
from the top left to the bottom right.
Our starting node is the top left corner.
Our ending node is the bottom right corner.
Each node's neighbors are the points
above, below, left, and right - as long as they're not
walls. We need to be careful of boundary conditions, like
nodes on the edges of the grid.
We can check for edge cases like the start or end position
being a wall or mazes where there's no path from the start
to the finish.
If the maze is very large, it's possible BFS will be too slow
or require too much memory. Ask your interviewer how large
the maze is expected to be!
Number of Islands
Problem Description: Given a 2D grid
indicating land and water, count the number of islands.
Applying BFS:
Start with a set of visited nodes, initially empty.
Iterate through the entire grid. When we reach a
point that's an island:
If the point is already visited, do nothing.
Otherwise, increase our count by 1 and do BFS from
that point outwards. Each BFS visits all the
points on a single island. A point's neighbors are
adjacent points that are also land.
Return the total number of islands seen.
Word Ladder
Problem Description: Given a start word and a
target word, find the fewest steps required to transform one
into the other, changing only one letter at a time.
As an example, to transform head into tail, we could generate
this sequence:
Applying BFS:
Our starting node is the start word. Our
ending node is the target word.
Each node's neighbors are words that
differ by one letter. As an example, some neighboring
words for node would be:
We should check for edge cases like:
The start or target not being valid words
The start and target being different lengths
No possible word ladder
Conclusion: BFS - A Powerful Tool in Your Interview Toolkit
Breadth-First Search is an indispensable algorithm in your
coding interview toolkit. Its systematic level-by-level
exploration makes it a powerful and efficient approach for a
wide range of problems. By mastering the core concepts – the
queue, visited set, predecessor dictionary – and practicing its
implementation, you'll be well-prepared to confidently tackle
BFS-related interview questions.
Remember to:
Practice recognizing problems where BFS could be used.
Clearly articulate your BFS approach during interviews, highlighting how you are defining nodes, neighbors, and handling visited states.
Understand and be able to explain the time and space complexity for different BFS variants.
With practice and a solid understanding of BFS, you'll be
ready to impress in your next coding interview! Good luck!
Here's an implementation in code.
We'll split our table of data across
a few different dictionaries
and a set.
import heapq
defdijkstra(graph_adjacency_list, start_node):# Initially, it costs an unknown amount to get anywhere# other than the start_node (which we can get to for free)
cost_to_get_to ={ node : float('inf')for node in graph_adjacency_list }
cost_to_get_to[start_node]=0# Track which nodes we've already dequeued -- we know# we've already found the shortest path to each of them# (This is the "checkmark" from our table)
dequeued_nodes = set()# Priority queue ordering cities by the cost to get to them
priority_queue =[]for node in graph_adjacency_list:
heapq.heappush(priority_queue,(cost_to_get_to[node], node))while len(priority_queue)>0:# Dequeue the next node from our priority queue
cheapest_cost, cheapest_node = heapq.heappop(priority_queue)
dequeued_nodes.add(cheapest_node)# Update cost_to_get_to for neighboring nodesfor neighbor, edge_cost in graph_adjacency_list[cheapest_node]:# Nodes we dequeued earlier can be skippedif neighbor in dequeued_nodes:continue# Can we get there more cheaply via this neighbor node?if cost_to_get_to[cheapest_node]+ edge_cost < cost_to_get_to[neighbor]:# Update the cost to reach the node
cost_to_get_to[neighbor]= cost_to_get_to[cheapest_node]+ edge_cost
# Update the cost to reach this node in the priority queue
heapq.heapupdate(priority_queue, neighbor, cost_to_get_to[neighbor])return cost_to_get_to
Our implementation doesn't keep track of how we reached
each node, and we don't recover the cheapest paths. Take
a stab at adding that feature to the implementation!
Time and Space Complexity
What's the time complexity?
Our initialization involves a constant amount of work per
plus inserting O(N)
nodes into priority_queue will
take O(N∗lg(N)) time. (Priority queues are built on heaps, which have O(lgn) insertions↴
Quick reference
Worst Case
get min
remove min
A binary heap is a binary tree where
the smallest value is always at the top.
A min-heap has the smallest value at the
top. A max-heap has the largest value at the top. We'll
describe min-heaps here, but the implementation for max-heaps is
nearly identical.
Quickly access the smallest item.
Binary heaps allow you to grab the smallest item (the
root) in O(1) time, while
keeping other operations relatively cheap
(O(lg(n)) time).
Space efficient. Binary heaps are
usually implemented
with lists,
saving the overhead cost of storing pointers to child
Limited interface. Binary heaps only
provide easy access to the smallest item. Finding other
items in the heap takes O(n) time,
since we have to iterate through all the nodes.
Priority queues are often
implemented using heaps. Items are enqueued by
adding them to the heap, and the highest-priority item can
quickly be grabbed from the top.
each level is filled up before another level is added, and
the bottom tier is filled in from left to right.
As we'll see, this allows
us to efficiently store our heap
as a list.
In a heap, every node is smaller than its
Inserting a new item
Add the item to the bottom of the tree.
Compare the item with its parent. If the new item is
smaller, swap the two.
Continue comparing and swapping, allowing the new item to
"bubble up" until the it's larger than its parent.
Because our heap is built on a complete binary tree, we know it's also balanced. Which means the height of the tree is lgn. So we'll do at most lgn of these swaps, giving us a total time cost of O(lgn).
Removing the smallest item
Easy—it's right there at the top:
Now, we have to shuffle some things around to make this a valid
heap again.
Take the bottom level's right-most item and move it to the
top, to fill in the hole.
Compare the item with its children.
If it's larger than either child, swap the item with the
smaller of the two children.
Continue comparing and swapping, allowing the item to
"bubble down" until it's smaller than its children.
As with inserting (above), we'll do at most lgn of these swaps, giving us a total time cost of O(lgn).
Heaps are built on lists
Complete trees and heaps are often stored
as lists, one node after the other,
like this:
Using a list to store a complete
binary tree is very efficient. Since there are no gaps in
complete trees, there are no unused slots in
the list. And, inserting a new item
in the bottom right part of the tree just means appending to
the list.
But how do we traverse the tree when
it's a list? How do we go
from a node to its left and right children? With a bit of clever
indexing! See if you can come up with the formulas for a node's
left child, right child, and parent. Then,
check your answer.↴
Looking at a few nodes, it's easy enough to derive the general
Left Child: Index 0's left child is at index
1. Index 1's left child is at index 3. And index 2's left child is
a 5. In general, a node at index i's
left child will be at index 2∗i+1.
Right Child: This node always comes right after the left child.
In general, a node at index i's right child
will be at index 2∗i+2.
Parent: The nodes at indices 1 and 2 have their
parent at index 0. The nodes at indices 3 and 4 have their parent
at index 1. And the nodes at indices 5 and 6 have their parent at
index 2. In general, a node at index i has
its parent at index
Don't bother memorizing these ... just work through a few examples
and you'll be able to come up with them on the fly. Just remember
the main idea is that you're multiplying or dividing by 2. This
makes sense, because the number of nodes on each level of a
complete binary tree doubles as you move down level by level.
Heapify: Transform a List Into a Heap
Say we want to make a heap out of the items in a list.
We could create a new empty heap and add in the items
from the list one at a time. If the
list has n
elements, then this takes O(n∗lg(n)).
It turns out that there's a more efficient way to
transform a list into a heap.
We'll take our input list and treat
it like the nodes in a complete binary tree, just like we did above:
To transform the tree into a valid heap, we'll compare each node
to its children and move nodes around so that parent nodes are
always smaller than their children.
This causes larger nodes to move lower in the tree,
"bubbling down" to allow smaller values to reach
the top.
Look familiar? This is the same bubbling down we were doing
to remove items from the heap!
We'll work from the leaf-nodes at the bottom upwards. To start
off, let's look at the leaves.
The leaf nodes don't have any children, so they don't
need to move down at all. Great.
Let's look at the nodes in the next level:
We'll start with the left node (3) and its children:
Since 3 is smaller than both 7 and 9, it's already in the right spot.
But, looking at the right node (2) and its children, since 1 is smaller than
2, we'll swap them.
Notice how we've got two small valid min-heaps. We're getting
Moving up, we've got an 8 at the root.
Since 8 is larger than 1, 8 bubbles down, swapping places with the smaller
child: 1.
Then, we need to compare 8 to its two children—2 and 4.
Since 8 is bigger than both of them, we swap with the smaller child,
which is 2.
At this point, we've transformed the input tree into a valid
min heap. Nice!
Heapify complexity
What's the time complexity of
heapify'ing a list?
It's tempting to say it's O(n∗lg(n)). After all,
we have to examine all n nodes, and a node might bubble down
O(lg(n)) levels.
That's an overestimate of the amount of work though. All of the
leaf nodes at the bottom of the tree won't have to move down at
all. And the parents of those nodes will only move down once. In
fact, there's only one node that might move
down O(lg(n)) times: the root node.
Since binary heaps are based
complete binary trees, there will be
n/2 nodes in the bottom level, n/4
nodes in the second-to-last level, etc. Each time we go up a level
we cut the number of nodes in half.
So, we'll move n/2 nodes on the bottom level 0 times.
The n/4 nodes one level up move at most 1 time. Then,
n/8 nodes move at most 2 times. And so on, until
we get to the root node, which moves lg(n)
Adding this all up, we've got:
Alternatively, this can be expressed as a summation:
The sum is a geometric series that converges to 1/2. (Take our
word for it—the arithmetic to prove this gets a bit hairy.)
Then, multiplying by n, we
have n/2. That's O(n).
) That's
O(N∗lg(N)) time overall for all the
initialization work.
We'll go through the loop O(N)
times, and each time we call remove_min(), taking
O(lg(N)) time (assuming a heap-based
priority queue). Over the entire algorithm,
that's O(N∗lg(N)) time.
We'll update cost_to_get_to once per edge,
or O(M) times. Each priority queue
update costs O(lg(N)) time. That's
O(M∗lg(N)) time overall.
Putting all the steps together, the time complexity for Dijkstra's
algorithm is O(N∗lg(N)+M∗lg(N)). Sometimes, this complexity is
written O((N+M)lg(n)).
What about space complexity? All our data structures hold a
constant amount of data for each node in the graph. That's
O(N) space in total.