Closures (In JavaScript and Beyond)

A closure is a method that accesses a variable "outside" itself. For example:

const message = 'The British are coming.'; function sayMessage(){ alert(message); // Here we have access to message, // even though it's declared outside this function! }

We'd say that message is "closed over" by sayMessage.

One useful thing to do with a closure is to create something like an "instance variable" that can change over time and can affect the behavior of a method.

// Function for getting the id of a dom element, // giving it a new, unique id if it doesn't have an id yet const getUniqueId = (() => { let nextGeneratedId = 0; return element => { if (! { = `generated-uid-${nextGeneratedId}`; nextGeneratedId++; } return; }; })();

Why did we put nextGeneratedId in an immediately-executed anonymous method? It makes nextGeneratedId private, which prevents accidental changes from the outside world:

// Function for getting the id of a dom element, // giving it a new, unique id if it doesn't have an id yet let nextGeneratedId = 0; const getUniqueId = element => { if (! { = `generated-uid-${nextGeneratedId}`; nextGeneratedId++; } return; }; // ... // Somewhere else in the codebase... // ... // WHOOPS--FORGOT I WAS ALREADY USING THIS FOR SOMETHING nextGeneratedId = 0;
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